W4CY Radio Special Guest Coach Judy

Coach Judy single parent expert, honored nationally for her work with single parents by Parenting Coalition Int. in Washington D.C, with the, “National Phoenix Award,” will address how single parent family issues FALL INTO THEIR, relationships in all areas of their life, and how you can help as a non-profit, or as a business owner. What organization they have aliened themselves with?

Special Guest Coach Judy will be on discussing the need for help towards Single Parents through her Non-Profit Organization.

Ranked #1 in West Palm Beach and #13 in the World by The Largest Internet Radio Network W4CY Radio has listeners in the US States & 105 Countries!

Tune in to www.w4cy.com this week
Intertainment Weekly
Week of January 25 - Jamuary 31, 2010

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Now You Can Receive Great Benefits While Supporting NSPRC and the Children Rights Fund

The goal of the fund is to raise money to support single parent families with serious economic challenges, who wish to take advantage of the various educational and support programs now available.

This includes the Training/Tool Kit, “Practical Knowledge for Facing Divorce and Single Parenthood, Save Time, Money, and Frustration,” for dealing with divorce, family court, Best Interest of the Children, and how to be a, “positive role model,” for children in single parent homes.

Individual Coaching to help with your personal situation.

National Single Parents Resource Center
(561) 449-4933